a hollow cube morphing into a hollow diamond

a picrew by makowka, showing a smiling person with light skin, brown hair, and moon-and-star earrings.Do you like picrews? I've catalogued the inclusivity options of dozens, aiming to help people with less represented traits find ones that work for them.
click here!

neopets faerie grundo avatar neopets neomail addict avatar neopets darigan grarrl avatar neopets nc mall avatar
a sphere growing and retracting colorful protrusions.

pixel art of a cat's head. the cat is black and white, with damaged ears and slightly angry looking eyes.memorial to my cat Patch


this is an anti-NFT sitegoodnight
believe in the power of friendshipy2k
i am made of stardust

welcome to the website of jasper telnaga!

a shifty wizard

I'm Jasper (or Jazz), an artist in my 20s in america. I'm chronically ill, so I'm approaching everything sideways, slowly and irregular. I made this site to have a place to look on and share my accomplishments. Like the things it was made to hold, a low-poly seagullit will be built slowly and in pieces. Check back whenever to see what's changed!

a line of stars

what's new


  • added new art to current gallery :)
  • added links to every image on both galleries, so viewing fullsize is clicking instead of opening in a new tab
  • made resized thumbnails for any gallery images 800px or over, so the gallery pages will use less bandwith!
  • new untitled PMD comic page (i really need to come up with a title for it lol), replaced all pmd comic disqus sections with html comment box
  • uploaded two new (old) songs to my bandcamp
9/10/23: 9/7/23: 9/5/23: 8/30/23:
  • added to screentones page: a simple range of 19 tones
  • added retroactive links to news
picrew page updates:
  • fixed makowka 2 link
  • recategorized weight/body options
  • added five new ones: wervty's chime picrew, wervty's character maker, wervty's murmur chara creator, wervty's windswept maker, and creador de personajes
  • made a new /art/index that conglomerates all the stuff i consider art that i make (galleries, comics, writing, screentones, music)
  • new pmd comic page :)

a line of stars

what I've got

I'm working on a lot of different stuff all the time!
If anything doesn't have a link, that means I'm working on putting it up.

I learned how to code as a kid on neopets, but you can learn to code HTML at any time.
check out w3 schools and bogleech's website ingredients to get started making your own independent piece of the internet.