picrew name & screenshot | natural skin tone # | nose variety | lip thickness variety | hair texture variety | freckles/scars | vitiligo | acne | head coverings | kippah | bindi | heterochromia | weight/body | facial hair | bald | notes |
adorable character![]() |
████ 8 options |
████ poor |
████ lip thickness |
████ okay |
████ both, stackable |
████ none |
████ no |
████ 2 options |
████ no |
████ no |
████ limited |
████ none |
████ very good |
████ good |
6 hearing aid options |
aloha! sushicore icon maker![]() |
████ 9 options |
████ none |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ both, mutually exclusive |
████ 1 option |
████ yes (change color of freckles) |
████ 5 options |
████ no |
████ yes |
████ no |
████ none |
████ 2 options (minimal) |
████ yes |
baydews' avatar maker (down)![]() |
████ 7 options |
████ okay |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 2 options |
████ no |
████ 5 options |
████ no |
████ yes |
████ yes |
████ none |
████ 1 option (minimal) |
████ yes |
baydews' avatar maker v2![]() |
████ 9 options |
████ poor |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 2 options |
████ no |
████ 5 options |
████ no |
████ yes |
████ yes |
████ none |
████ 1 option (minimal) |
████ yes |
black centered picrew ♥![]() |
████ 12 options |
████ good |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 12 options |
████ no |
████ 9 options |
████ no |
████ yes |
████ yes |
████ 2 body sizes |
████ 15 options |
████ yes |
unibrow, wrinkles, star of david necklace, wheelchair. the best options for black hair i've seen, by far!! |
bluef00t oc maker![]() |
████ 7 options |
████ good |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 1 option |
████ yes |
████ 1 option (in hair) |
████ no |
████ no |
████ no (little eye color) |
████ none |
████ 11 options |
████ no |
2 hearing aids |
picrew name & screenshot | natural skin tone # | nose variety | lip thickness variety | hair texture variety | freckles/scars | vitiligo | acne | head coverings | kippah | bindi | heterochromia | weight/body | facial hair | bald | notes |
bright's picrew hell![]() |
████ 8 options |
████ okay - a couple aquiline |
████ lip thickness |
████ poor |
████ both, stackable |
████ 3 options |
████ no |
████ 3 options |
████ no |
████ no |
████ full |
████ 2 body types, 2 chests |
████ 11 options |
████ yes |
2 hearing aids, some wrinkles, some folk clothing, star of david necklace |
character creator![]() |
████ 10 options |
████ okay |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 1 option |
████ no |
████ 3 options, in hair |
████ yes |
████ no |
████ yes |
████ none |
████ 5 options (minimal) |
████ yes |
hearing aids |
character maker pt 2![]() |
████ 17 options |
████ good |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 6 options |
████ yes |
████ 6 options |
████ yes |
████ no |
████ no |
████ 3 options |
████ 11 options |
████ yes |
double chin (last 2 face shapes), face rash, multiple hearing aids, wheelchair, breathing tube |
creador de personajes![]() |
████ 8 options (not many darker) |
████ poor |
████ lip thickness |
████ poor |
████ both, stackable |
████ none |
████ no |
████ none |
████ no |
████ no |
████ no |
████ none |
████ none |
████ yes |
djarn's character maker![]() |
████ 12 options |
████ okay |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 4 options |
████ yes |
████ 12 options |
████ yes |
████ yes |
████ no |
████ 3 body types |
████ 8 options |
████ yes |
wheelchairs, hearing aids, star of david necklace, double chin, burn, adams apple |
epic gamer maker![]() |
████ 7 options (not many darker) |
████ poor |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ both, mutually exclusive |
████ 5 options |
████ yes |
████ 1 option |
████ no |
████ no |
████ no |
████ none |
████ 2 options (minimal) |
████ yes |
hearing aids |
picrew name & screenshot | natural skin tone # | nose variety | lip thickness variety | hair texture variety | freckles/scars | vitiligo | acne | head coverings | kippah | bindi | heterochromia | weight/body | facial hair | bald | notes |
epic gamer maker 2![]() |
████ 6 options |
████ poor |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ freckles |
████ none |
████ yes |
████ 2 options |
████ no |
████ no |
████ limited |
████ 2 body types (limited) + 2 chest options (both in clothes) |
████ 3 options (minimal) |
████ yes |
erie's maker![]() |
████ 9 options |
████ poor |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ freckles |
████ 3 options |
████ no |
████ 1 option |
████ no |
████ no |
████ yes |
████ none |
████ none |
████ yes |
fantasy OC maker 4000![]() |
████ 6 options |
████ very good |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 2 options |
████ no |
████ none |
████ no |
████ yes |
████ limited (last 2 eye colors) |
████ 3 body types |
████ 16 options |
████ yes |
birthmarks/burns, body hair, adams apple |
fashion maker![]() |
████ 5 options |
████ none |
████ lip thickness |
████ okay |
████ freckles |
████ 3 options |
████ no |
████ 1 option |
████ no |
████ no |
████ no eye color |
████ none |
████ none |
████ yes |
fat chara maker![]() |
████ 5 options |
████ very good |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ both (mutually exclusive) |
████ none |
████ yes |
████ 1 option |
████ no |
████ no |
████ no |
████ 2 different chests on clothing |
████ 15 options |
████ no |
stretch marks, body hair, top surgery scars (barely visible under only some clothes), built in pride icon maker |
picrew name & screenshot | natural skin tone # | nose variety | lip thickness variety | hair texture variety | freckles/scars | vitiligo | acne | head coverings | kippah | bindi | heterochromia | weight/body | facial hair | bald | notes |
fighter creator![]() |
████ 14 options |
████ poor |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 3+? options |
████ no |
████ none |
████ no |
████ no |
████ yes (in glasses) |
████ different levels of muscular tone. 3 different chests |
████ none |
████ yes |
friend maker![]() |
████ 10 options |
████ poor |
████ lip thickness |
████ okay |
████ both, stackable |
████ none |
████ no |
████ 4 options |
████ no |
████ no |
████ no |
████ 2 body types (limited) |
████ 2 options (minimal) |
████ yes |
☆friend maker★![]() |
████ 6 options |
████ noses very minimal |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ freckles |
████ 4 options |
████ kinda? red freckles |
████ 3 options (niqab!) |
████ yes |
████ no |
████ no eye color |
████ none |
████ 15 options |
████ yes |
vitiligo can be red for birthmarks/burns. 5 hearing aids. wrinkles. wheelchair |
gay generator![]() |
████ 9 options |
████ good |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ freckles |
████ none |
████ no |
████ none |
████ no |
████ no |
████ no eye color |
████ none |
████ none |
████ no |
girl maker![]() |
████ 15 options |
████ good |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ freckles |
████ none |
████ no |
████ 3 options |
████ no |
████ no |
████ no eye color |
████ 2 body types (limited) |
████ none |
████ yes |
star of david necklace |
picrew name & screenshot | natural skin tone # | nose variety | lip thickness variety | hair texture variety | freckles/scars | vitiligo | acne | head coverings | kippah | bindi | heterochromia | weight/body | facial hair | bald | notes |
grgikau character maker![]() |
████ 7 options |
████ good |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ freckles |
████ none |
████ no |
████ 4 options |
████ no |
████ no |
████ no |
████ 2 different necks |
████ 13 options |
████ yes |
notes |
icon maker-star wars![]() |
████ 9 options |
████ okay (mostly for bigger noses) |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 1 option |
████ yes |
████ 1 option |
████ no |
████ no |
████ no |
████ 2 different chests on some clothes |
████ 8 options |
████ yes |
icon time![]() |
████ 6 options |
████ poor |
████ lip thickness |
████ poor (small selection in general, about 4 non-straight) |
████ freckles |
████ none |
████ no |
████ none |
████ no |
████ no |
████ 1 option (orange and blue) | ████ none |
████ none |
████ yes |
kc's character creator![]() |
████ 9 options |
████ poor |
████ lip thickness |
████ poor (just a few curls) |
████ both, stackable |
████ 2 options |
████ no |
████ none |
████ no |
████ no |
████ yes |
████ none |
████ 4 options (minimal) |
████ no |
KZ's dolls![]() |
████ 10 options |
████ very good |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ freckles |
████ 1 option (in skin tones) |
████ no |
████ 3 options (with spikes!) |
████ no |
████ no |
████ limited (last eye option) |
████ 2 body types |
████ none |
████ yes |
unibrow, star of david necklace |
lgbtq+ icon maker![]() |
████ 8 options |
████ poor |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ freckles |
████ 2 options |
████ yes |
████ 1 option |
████ no |
████ no |
████ no eye color |
████ none |
████ 1 option |
████ yes |
star of david necklace |
picrew name & screenshot | natural skin tone # | nose variety | lip thickness variety | hair texture variety | freckles/scars | vitiligo | acne | head coverings | kippah | bindi | heterochromia | weight/body | facial hair | bald | notes |
lillycrew![]() |
████ 10 options |
████ good |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 4 options |
████ yes |
████ 5 options (niqabs! colors, patterns, accessories!) |
████ yes |
████ yes |
████ no eye color |
████ 2 body types (limited) |
████ 8 minimal options |
████ yes |
birthmarks/burns. 7 hearing aids. star of david necklace. wheelchair (different types!). prosthetic hands. |
lil dude maker![]() |
████ 13 options |
████ poor |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 2 options |
████ no |
████ 2 options |
████ no |
████ no |
████ yes |
████ 2 body types (limited) |
████ none |
████ yes |
star of david necklace |
magician maker![]() |
████ 7 options |
████ okay (mostly for bigger noses |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 6 options |
████ yes |
████ 7 options |
████ no |
████ no |
████ limited |
████ 5 options on most clothes (range of chest and weight) |
████ 14 options |
████ yes |
a few facial birthmarks and portwine stains/burns, lichtenberg scars, facial veil |
makowka oc maker![]() |
████ 9 options |
████ okay |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 1 option |
████ yes (very faint on most skintones) |
████ none |
████ no |
████ no |
████ limited (last few color options) |
████ 2 body types (limited) |
████ 11 options |
████ yes |
makowka character maker II![]() |
████ 8 options |
████ okay |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 2 options |
████ yes |
████ 3 options |
████ no |
████ yes |
████ limited (last few color options) |
████ 3 body types |
████ 19 options |
████ yes |
picrew name & screenshot | natural skin tone # | nose variety | lip thickness variety | hair texture variety | freckles/scars | vitiligo | acne | head coverings | kippah | bindi | heterochromia | weight/body | facial hair | bald | notes |
oc creator![]() |
████ 7 options |
████ poor |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ both, stackable |
████ none |
████ no |
████ 4 options |
████ no |
████ no |
████ no |
████ none |
████ none |
████ yes |
oc maker![]() |
████ 14 options |
████ okay |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 4 on body, 3 on face |
████ yes |
████ 2 options |
████ no |
████ yes |
████ no |
████ none |
████ 13 options |
████ yes |
pbelt witchsona![]() |
████ 6 options |
████ none |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ freckles |
████ none |
████ no |
████ 1 option (in hair) |
████ no |
████ no |
████ no |
████ none |
████ none |
████ yes |
perisceris icon maker![]() |
████ 8 options |
████ okay? |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ both, mutually exclusive |
████ none |
████ yes |
████ 6 options |
████ no |
████ no |
████ yes |
████ 3 body types |
████ 13 options |
████ yes |
piney's icon maker![]() |
████ 10 options |
████ very good |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ both, stackable |
████ none |
████ no |
████ none |
████ no |
████ no |
████ yes |
████ 2 different necks |
████ 4 options (minimal) |
████ no |
hearing aids |
picrew name & screenshot | natural skin tone # | nose variety | lip thickness variety | hair texture variety | freckles/scars | vitiligo | acne | head coverings | kippah | bindi | heterochromia | weight/body | facial hair | bald | notes |
pixel dating sim maker![]() |
████ 8 options |
████ good |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ neither |
████ none |
████ no |
████ 7 options (niqab!) |
████ no |
████ no |
████ no |
████ none |
████ none |
████ yes |
tooth gap |
![]() |
████ 8 options |
████ very good |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 6 options |
████ yes |
████ 4 options |
████ yes |
████ no |
████ yes |
████ none |
████ 7 options |
████ yes |
7 different portwine/facial birthmark options, wheelchair, star of david necklace. many options are in colors |
poicon maker![]() |
████ 12 options |
████ okay? |
████ lip thickness |
████ very good |
████ both, mutually exclusive |
████ 1 option |
████ no |
████ 3 options |
████ no |
████ yes |
████ no |
████ none |
████ 2 options (minimal) |
████ yes |
star of david necklace |
potatolord's persona creator![]() |
████ 15 options |
████ good |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 2 options |
████ 4 options |
████ 9 options |
████ yes |
████ yes |
████ no eye color |
████ none |
████ 15 options |
████ yes |
nose tubes! different scar tones, star of david necklace, hearing aids, wheelchair |
ravntawn's unfinished picrew![]() |
████ 6 options |
████ poor |
████ lip thickness |
████ very poor (a few curls, only one coiled) |
████ freckles |
████ none |
████ no |
████ 1 option |
████ no |
████ no |
████ no |
████ 2 options |
████ none |
████ yes |
unfinished as the name implies. indefinitely. but still got content |
picrew name & screenshot | natural skin tone # | nose variety | lip thickness variety | hair texture variety | freckles/scars | vitiligo | acne | head coverings | kippah | bindi | heterochromia | weight/body | facial hair | bald | notes |
scuff's icon maker![]() |
████ 11 options |
████ okay? |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 1 option |
████ no |
████ 1 option |
████ no |
████ no |
████ limited |
████ 2 body types (clothes size options are in colors) |
████ 3 options |
████ yes |
blank space baked into image output |
smile maker![]() |
████ 5 options |
████ none |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ freckles |
████ none |
████ no |
████ none |
████ no |
████ no |
████ no |
████ none |
████ 1 option (minimal) |
████ no |
spec's maker![]() |
████ 9 options |
████ poor |
████ lip thickness |
████ okay |
████ both, mutually exclusive |
████ 2 options |
████ yes |
████ 1 option |
████ yes |
████ yes |
████ yes |
████ none |
████ none |
████ yes |
wheelchair |
sqwidsona![]() |
████ 11 options |
████ okay |
████ lip thickness |
████ poor (a few curls, one or two coils) |
████ freckles |
████ none |
████ no |
████ none |
████ no |
████ no |
████ no |
████ none |
████ 2 options (minimal) |
████ yes |
wervty's character maker![]() |
████ 9 options |
████ poor |
████ lip thickness |
████ okay |
████ both, mutually exclusive |
████ 1 option |
████ no |
████ 1 option |
████ no |
████ no |
████ no (limited eye color) |
████ none |
████ 1 option (minimal) |
████ yes |
unibrow |
picrew name & screenshot | natural skin tone # | nose variety | lip thickness variety | hair texture variety | freckles/scars | vitiligo | acne | head coverings | kippah | bindi | heterochromia | weight/body | facial hair | bald | notes |
wervty's chime maker![]() |
████ 10 options |
████ okay |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 1 option |
████ yes |
████ 2 options (includes niqab) |
████ yes |
████ yes |
████ limited |
████ none |
████ 6 options, minimal |
████ yes |
unibrow, wrinkles, wheelchair |
wervty's murmur chara creator![]() |
████ 12 options |
████ poor |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ freckles |
████ 1 option |
████ yes |
████ 3 options (includes niqab) |
████ yes |
████ yes |
████ kind of? yes |
████ none |
████ 4 options, limited |
████ yes |
unibrow, wrinkles, burn scar, hearing aids, wheelchair |
wervty's windswept maker![]() |
████ 6 options |
████ poor |
████ lip thickness |
████ good |
████ both, stackable |
████ 1 option |
████ yes (color option on vitiligo) |
████ 1 option |
████ no |
████ no |
████ limited (last color option) |
████ none |
████ 3 options (limited) |
████ yes |
tooth gap, wrinkles, unibrow (color option on wrinkles) |
yee haw character creator![]() |
████ 8 options |
████ good |
████ lip thickness |
████ okay |
████ both, stackable |
████ 1 option |
████ yes |
████ 2 options |
████ no |
████ no |
████ no |
████ 3 body types, limited |
████ 3 options |
████ yes |
arm hair, |
FAQ- contact me for recommended additions or edits at telnaga.tumblr.com, or leave a comment below 💛- my primary goal in this is to help people represent themselves, not OCs. so I won't categorize things that aren't human characteristics (elf ears, technicolor skin, etc). I do recognize inhuman aspects are a part of some peoples' therian/otherkin identities, but that would be an entirely different categorization system unto itself. - I've been asked if I can categorize pride options, but I don't feel those are necessary for a visual representation of yourself, and also there are very many identities and no matter how many flags a picrew has on a button they will be missing someone's. and i dont want to count that many - generally if something's very uncommon, I'll put it in the notes rather than having a category irrelevant to 99% of listings. this also applies to things that are good to see represented but not a necessary part of your appearance (like a star of david necklace?) - I've been asked if I can color each table cell to represent a picrew's "score" so people can look through for what they need easier. - getting the table's top row, with the names of the columns, to "float" as you scroll is also beyond my coding skills, so I've repeated it every five entries. if I'm in the middle of adding more entries, the spacing may be inconsistent. speaking of which, i try to add a few entries every few months. - with noses, I'm generally looking for representation of large, aquiline noses, and shorter, wider noses common on many people of color. with hair texture, I'm generally looking for curled and coiled hair in fair amounts compared to the selection of straight hair - I have dark eye circles, so if a picrew has an option for those, it's in my example pic. I also don't feel it's necessarily required for a depiction of myself, so I haven't categorized it. I am not thin, so if a picrew has weight options, I don't pick the smallest one for my example. but I am white and generally the rest of the categories aren't things that are a part of my life. I want to listen to the people less represented in picrews, though. bc that's the whole reason I made this page. so please feel free to let me know if you have any thoughts, comments, critiques - whether or not I include a picrew can be affected by the available options, the style, and my personal taste. I've ruled against including some because they emulate strict styles, they have little to choose from, or I'm just not a fan of how it looks. I have to have some boundaries or I will be spending my days forever categorizing mediocre picrews, instead of just some of my days categorizing mediocre picrews 💛 |
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